Monday, December 15, 2008

Food Plan to Balance Vata Dosha

Taste preferences - sweet, sour and salty. Avoid anything pungent. It has a drying effect on your system. Ideally, in summer, prefer sour and salty tastes. Consume salty and pungent foods in winter. Use sweet taste as a supplement during both seasons.
Most non - vegetarian diets suit your prakriti. Aquatic meats help to promote your Kapha levels.Dairy products like butter, cheese, yogurt and clarified butter are generally considered good for you. Of the frozen desserts, Kulfi is a better option than ice - cream. Oil is a vital requirement of Vata bodies. Your prakriti needs frequent oil massages.
Favor warm food, moderately heavy textures, added butter and fat. All soothing foods are good for settling disturbed Vata. Use foods such as: warm milk, cream, butter, warm soups, stews, hot cereals, fresh baked bread. Since vata is a cold dry dosha, warm, nourishing foods such as these are good for stabilizing vata. On the other hand cold foods such as cold salads, iced drinks, raw vegetables and greens are not very good for persons with vata imbalance.
Breakfast is highly recommended. Use hot cereals such as cream of rice or wheat or any other breakfast that is warm, milky, and sweet. Take a hot or herbal tea with snacks in the late afternoon. Avoid drinks with high caffeine as vata gets disturbed by it.
Use spicy foods such as spicy Mexican or Indian foods that are cooked in oil. Use warm moist foods such as cooked grains and cereals, bowl of hot oatmeal or cup of steaming vegetable soup. Warm milk is good. You can add a little sugar or honey to it if you prefer. Avoid eating candies as it disturbs vata. Prefer salted nuts that are heavy and oily as opposed to dry salty snacks. All sweet fruits are Ok for vata. Avoid unripe fruits as they are astringent. Take warm or hot water instead of ice water and drinks.
Spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, ginger, cloves in moderation.
If your basic constitution is mixed (vata-pitta or vata-kapha), include portions for the second influential dosha.
Vata dosha is aggravated and increased during autumn and early winter. During these seasons all mind-body types can include some of the above foods and decrease others. Mental and emotional peace and constructive lifestyle routines are important to restoring and maintaining balance.

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