Monday, December 15, 2008

Diet for Kapha

The qualities of kapha dosha are cold, heavy, liquid and unctuous.
General : To balance kapha dominance, eat smaller amounts of food and emphasize food with vata properties of light and dry. Also, foods which are dry, hot or sharp are recommended, so look for foods with pungent, bitter or astringent tastes. Examples include puffed cereals such as puffed rice or corn; small, astringent grains, such as millet, amaranth, and quinoa; and light, bitter vegetables such as leafy greens. Spices like ginger, turmeric and chili are generally good for kapha people.Favour : Warm light food, dry food cooked without much water, minimum of butter, oil and sugar, stimulating foods (ginger, chillies, pickles), raw foods, salads, fruits. Vegetables : Generally all vegetables are good, but if you are suffering from any kapha disorder like lung congestion, congestive asthma, sinuses, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, high cholestrol, then avoid all sweet juicy vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkin family, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tori, ghiya etc. Fruits : Apples, apricots, pears, pomegranates, dried fruits in general (apricots, figs, prunes, raisins) Lentils & Legumes : If the dosha is not aggravated all except tofu and kidney beans are acceptable. Spices : All are good - ginger is best for improving digestion, turmeric is excellent for drying out the mucous, chillies are excellent for removing mucous.
General : Foods such as dairy products, wheat, avocados and oils have these qualities and will increase kapha in the body. Sweet, sour, salty; heavy, oily, cold. Desserts, sweets, ice cream, deep fried foods, possessiveness, miserliness, laziness. Vegetables : all sweet juicy vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkin family, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tori, ghiya etc. Fruits : All sweet juicy fruits in general.Lentils & Legumes : Tofu and kidney beans.Spices : excess salt.

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