Monday, December 15, 2008

Diet for Vata


The qualities of vata are cold, dry, light, hard, and rough.

General : excess vata can be counterbalanced with nutritive and tissue-building foods that are warm, moist, heavy, soft and oily, as well as foods with a sweet, sour and salty taste. For example, vata pacifying foods include ghee, soft dairy products, wheat, rice, corn and bananas. A person with a vata constitution should favor foods like hot cereal with ghee, hearty soups and vegetables, and whole cooked grains and chapatis. Spicy foods are generally okay for vata.
Vegetables : Asparagus, beets, carrots, cucumber, green beans, okra (bhindi), onions and garlic , radishes, sweet potatoes, turnips.
Fruits : Bananas, coconuts, dates, mangoes, melons, peaches, all sweet fruits in general.
Grains : Oats, rice and wheat

General : Foods with the vata qualities, such as crackers, frozen desserts, and large amounts of raw vegetables and salads, will aggravate vata. Also, refined foods such as white flour and sugar, have light and dry qualities and would be best avoided by people with vata constitutions.Pungent, bitter, astringent; light, dry, cold foods,stimulants like smoking, alcohol, junk food, sugar, tea (esp. long leaf teas and green tea), brown rice.
Vegetables : Cabbage, cauliflower, celery, brinjal, leafy green vegetables, mushrooms, peas, peppers (simla mirch) potatoes, sprouts, tomatoes, zucchini (tori). If you do have these vegetables cook them in pure desi ghee or unrefined til oil. Tomatoes are best avoided except as a small addition to salads.
Fruits : Apples, pears, pomegranates.
Spices: Vatas can have almost all spices and herbs in moderation When there is aggravated Vata, the following are to be taken with caution : coriander seeds (dhaniya powder), fenugreek (methi seeds), saffron, turmeric, parsley. Avoid too much hot, dry spices such as dried chili, which will aggravate dryness.

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